R&R is a necessity!

It’s the holiday season once again. Everyone is happy or pretending to be happy. Holiday parties and get-togethers are taking place. Time for crazy traffic and long wait lines everywhere you go (if you’re brave enough to go out). Don’t get me wrong, I do like the holidays. Especially because it means I get to take a small but much-needed break from work to recharge my batteries. But it can be a very stressful time of the year with all the money being spent, family dynamics (or lack of it).

I think working during the era of COVID has definitely made it obvious that we all need our ways to deal with stress – meditation, prayer, traveling, or a hobby. You need something you can do that helps your brain and spirit relax once in a while. Here is a really good article on the benefits and how to meditate from the Harvard Business Review (I really like their stuff). I personally have been trying to use a headspace app to meditate every day, but I am surely looking forward to a week off next week. My goal will be to at least one day do nothing. We’ll see how that goes. 

Anyway, stay sane people. Much love and until next time.

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